When should I add an investor to DealMaker? For example, can I upload my entire mailing list to DealMaker?

For maximum conversion, know where your prospective investor is in your sales pipeline, and beware inviting large mailing lists too early

Where are your investors in your sales pipeline?

The main consideration for issuers in determining when to add investors to DealMaker is where these investors are within your sales pipeline. 

Digital retail offering

If you are doing your preliminary sales efforts digitally, such as with a retail offering, you can use your portal’s own magic link within a website, dataroom, or offering deck that explains the benefits of your offering.

Targeted email campaign

If you are engaging in targeted sales efforts through an email campaign, the magic link can be placed into communications from the company to your mailing list, and give your potential investors not only access, but choice to subscribe once their decision to invest is made.

Beware inviting entire mailing lists too early

Inviting an entire mailing list without context of the offering or any sales activities does not generally result in a good conversion rate, and hasn't made strong relationships with potential investors. The reminders can frustrate individuals who may not be expecting an invite to your deal or who do not yet have enough information on the offering to determine if they wish to make an investment. 

By using a magic link within your mailing lists, you can customize the link to identify different groups of investors that have gained access through their specified link, and use webhooks to automatically remove people from the email campaign once they have followed the link. 

Learn more about managing your funnel on our one-pager