Setting an Investor to Inactive

If an Investor no longer wishes to participate in the raise, and will not complete their investment, they may contact you to request a stop to the automated emails they receive from the Portal.

While they are able to Unsubscribe from these emails themselves, they may not be aware of this feature, or would rather handle this action directly with you.

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If they require your assistance, you can handle this by setting the investor to Inactive in the portal. This will stop all automated emails being sent, and will remove their subscribed investment amount from the total in the portal. To set them Inactive, simply click on their investor profile on the Investors tab in the back end, and click the three vertical dots next to their name. This will give you the option to "Mark Inactive".

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This method also allows you to re-activate the investor in the future, should they wish to complete their investment process. You can contact your Customer Success Manager for help reactivating any Inactive investors.