Investor Stages in the Portal

An investor will move through a handful of stages on their way to completing their documentation and funding within DealMaker. The issuer will have full visibility and know where in the funnel each investor is at any time.

Below you will find a breakdown of each stage as labelled within the investor table and what it means for both the investor and issuer. 

Draft - This means an investor has been manually placed to the portal by inputting their email address in the ‘Invite Investor’ box at the top of the investor page. At this time, they will not have received an automated invite but will be in the portal to send an invite at a time decided by the issuer. Whilst in draft, an issuer can pre-populate information within the investor profile, such as their allocation.

In Progress - Once an investor has received an invite into the portal, or gained access through a magic-link they will appear as ‘In Progress’, with a percentage alongside. This indicates how far an investor is in their questionnaire. They have completed their questionnaire once at 100%.

Signed - Pending Review - Following the completion of the questionnaire, an investor will sign their agreement within DealMaker and be guided to the payments page. Once signed, all members of the issuer team that are ‘reviewers’ will receive an automated notification that the subscription agreement for that investor is ready for review. 

Signed - Countersignature Pending -  The reviewers on the deal are the gatekeepers for investors moving through to this stage. Once the review has been completed the reviewer can ‘Enable Issuer Countersignature’ and move the investor into this stage. 

Complete -  Once an investor has signed, funded (if required) and the issuer has countersigned the agreement an investor will be marked as complete. This is the fifth and final stage for an investor to complete their investment within DealMaker. 


Investor Progress Stages
There are several new checkout states (known as Investor Progress States) for the streamlined single page checkout that includes the following:
  • In Progress - 0% - Investment Amount: Investor is at the beginning of the checkout, they have yet to complete section 1, they have entered their email but no investment amount selected
  • In Progress - 33% - Contact information: investor has entered their email and investment amount but has not completed section 2, the contact information section including name, address, DOB etc.
  • In Progress - 66% - Investor confirmation: investor has provided section 1 and 2 information, they still need to select if they are accredited or non-accredited
  • In Progress - 100% - Terms and Conditions: investor has provided section 1, 2 and 3 information and have completed the checkout form (for remaining states please consult the investor states above as well as Funding states)