Current Service Level
Issuances are separated into two types: historical issuances of previous shareholders and new issuances - typically from the DealMaker tech platform.
Historical Issuance
The turnaround time for uploading historical shareholders depends on the quality of the data held by the previous transfer agent.
In most instances, it can take 5-7 business days for the Transfer Agent team to audit the data, identify the missing information, and request missing information.
Once the missing information is populated, it takes 2-3 business days for a final review of the historical data, upload of the historical shareholders into the DealMaker Engage platform, and final upload into the DealMaker Transfer Agent internal shareholder records database.
DealMaker Tech Platform Issuance
The turnaround time for uploading investors who have invested through DealMaker’s tech platform is reduced significantly since the data has been exported directly through the DealMaker platform.
In most instances, it can take 1-2 business days for the Transfer Agent team to audit the data, identify the missing information, and request missing information from the issuer.
Once the missing information is populated, it takes 2-3 business days for the final review of the data and upload into the DealMaker Transfer Agent internal shareholder records database.
Note that all accounts receivable must be in good standing for any issuance timelines to apply.