Embed your deal's investor flow with a script tag

Put the world's most successful capital-raising flow directly on your website with just a line of code.

With a few requirements and modifications, you can include a deal’s investor flow directly on your web domain. 

Here is a live example of the embedded investor flow.

To embed a deal’s investor flow on your site, you’ll need:

  • An up-to-date SSL certificate
  • Access to your web domain’s Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy

Access the script 

When logged in to a deal's backend as an administrator, click Advanced Settings. Then click Appearance.


Scroll to the bottom of the Appearance section to :

  • Include the destination site that will display the investor flow
  • Copy the script that will be pasted to your HTML document

Important Notice


If you are having trouble locating the Destination Site/Script section in the Appearance tab, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager. Our team will promptly enable it for you at the Deal level.

How do I use the script?

  1. Ensure your SSL certificates are up-to-date and https:// is enabled
  2. Review your site's CORS policy
  3. Ensure your CORS policy allows resources from  *.dealmaker.tech to load on your site
  4. Select a web page on your site to display the investor flow
  5. Create a parent/container <div> on the page that will display the flow
    1. The parent/container <div> must be in the <body>, not in the web page's <header>
    2. Set a height and width for the container <div>
  6. Add the script tag to the page's container <div>

Here is how the script tag and its parent/container look in the source code of our live embedded investor flow example:

<div class="html-embed w-embed w-script">
<script id="embedded-investor-flow" data-api-url="https://alpineventures.app.dealmaker.tech/api" 
data-deal-id="ac5bd17d-061b-4218-bd22-6b73a92ec5cc" src="https://alpineventures.app.dealmaker.tech/investor_flow/embed.js" 

The data-hosted attribute

The optional data-hosted attribute is included in your deal's embedded flow script, which can be set to "true" or "false." This controls where exactly the investor will complete their investment.

  • If “true”, the investor will be redirected to the DealMaker site to complete their investment
  • If “false”, the investor will complete the investment process through the embedded flow on the page where the script is included. 

Incognito mode

Currently, investors cannot use your deal's embedded flow while browsing in incognito mode, or generally, if third-party cookies are disabled.