How do I provide content for my shareholders to see?

DealMaker Engage allows companies to provide content that may be previously created outside of the platform as well as creating news releases ready for delivery to all. 


Uploading Company Created Documents:

For content made ‘In-House’ it is best to use the ‘Documents’ upload feature. Here you can drag and drop a variety of documentation, ranging from PDFs to a slide deck. You will have the option to provide the content immediately or queue for a specific date and time. 

News Releases:

Issuing a news release through DealMaker Engage allows you to create and track activity relating to its release. You will have access to an easy to use text box that allows you to make each of your news releases as unique or as consistent as you wish. You may preview releases before publishing, whilst also enjoying the benefit of preparing a news release to be released at a time as arranged by the company.